Thermal Shock Testing
Thermal Shock Testing is a method of accelerated life testing for objects that undergo temperature changes during use in normal operation. Repeated temperature changes can lead to thermal fatigue and finally product failure over a certain time period.
Materials within numerous industries, such as electronics, aerospace, and construction equipment are often exposed to extreme temperature conditions. Specific items include for example rocket nozzles, solar-facing satellite electronics, brake components and more.
PMIC rapidly cycles specimens between a minimum and maximum temperature and optically monitors the specimen surface. Multiple pictures may be taken during each thermal cycle using a high-resolution camera while the temperature is continuously recorded. The thermal shock system is currently validated for electrically conductive specimens heated in an induction oven for cycles over the temperature range from -195 °C to 538 °C (liquid nitrogen to 1000 °F). Depending on specimen material and geometry as well as required temperature uniformity within the specimen typical heating rates of 10 °C per second and higher can be achieved.